Thursday December 8, 2005
Preventing intra-venous (IV) drip errors
Many studies have shown so far that errors in administration of intravenous drugs remain high and actually even higher in ICUs. Standard protocols need to be instituted for sure at bedside to prevent errors in IV administrations but anecdotal reports shows that 2 quick interventions can decrease the rate of error significantly.
1. Vasoactive drugs be infused through a dedicated site and using other separate IV site for other infusions.
2. Triple sticker labeling of IV drips (at/near IV bag, pump and infusion sites).
References: Click here to get article
1. Ethnographic study of incidence and severity of intravenous drug errors - BMJ 2003;326:684 (29 March)
2. Preventable adverse drug events in hospitalized patients: a comparative study of intensive care and general care units - Crit Care Med 1997 Aug;25(8):1289-97.