Monday, March 13, 2006

Monday March 13, 2006
Introducing Resident ICU Course

Under the banner of Society of Critical Care Medicine 23 lectures (power point) related to Critical Care Medicine have been uploaded at site

It includes essential topics like Airway Management, Mechanical Ventilation, Arterial Blood Gas Interpretation, Endocrine Issues in Critical Illness, Neurologic and Neurosurgical Emergencies, Acute Kidney Dysfunction, Nutritional Support in the ICU etc.Site is free but requires registration. It involves pre and end of rotation online tests with case-scenario based questions. This web-based curriculum has been developed by the Graduate and Resident Education Committee, a committee of the Society of Critical Care Medicine. These presentations have been authored by experts in the corresponding fields and can be downloaded/saved to computer.Highly recommended for medical residents.

*Site has 2 arms - Adult and Pediatric