Wednesday, April 19, 2006

US guided radial artery

Wednesday April 19, 2006
Ultrasound guided insertion of radial artery catheters

Role of ultrasound guidance in central venous catheter (particularly internal jugular vessel) is well known 1 but literature on its efficacy in arterial line insertion is very scant. Levin and coll. from Hadassah University Hospital, Jerusalem, Israel has done a simple but interesting study on the use of ultrasound guidance in the insertion of radial artery catheters 2. A total of 69 patients were randomized - 34 to the ultrasound group and 35 to the palpation group. The following results were found:

* The arterial cannula was inserted on the first attempt in 21 of the 34 patients (62%) in the ultrasound group vs. 12 of the 35 patients (34%) in the palpation group.

* Overall, there were 55 total attempts (1.6 per patient) at arterial catheter insertion in the ultrasound group vs. 110 (3.1 per patient) in the palpation group.

* The mean overall time taken per patient for catheter insertion was 55.5 secs in the ultrasound group vs. 111.5 secs in the palpation group.

* In the ultrasound group, a total of 39 cannulae were used vs. 60 in the palpation group (cost effectiveness).

Bedside Ultrasonography in the ICU Part 2 - Chest. 2005;128:1766-1781
Use of ultrasound guidance in the insertion of radial artery catheters - Critical Care Medicine: Volume 31(2) February 2003 pp 481-484