Sunday, November 06, 2005

Sunday November 6, 2005
Is low HDL marker for sepsis mortality?

Although it is a small prospective, observational cohort study of only 63 patients (National Taiwan University Hospital) but interesting to note the conclusion that:

A low HDL cholesterol level (cutoff value at 20 mg/dL) on day 1 of severe sepsis was significantly associated with an increase 30 day mortality, increase ICU stay and hospital acquired infection. (All other septic parameters adjusted).

Another interesting finding at continuation of work back to bench while blood samples were obtained and serum was immediately stored at -80°C until analysis : ...HDL can attenuate LPS (Lipopolysaccharide)-induced TNF-รก production only if added concomitantly with, but not after, LPS exposure.

Refrences: click on link to get article/abstract
Low serum level of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol is a poor prognostic factor for severe sepsis - Critical Care Medicine: Volume 33(8) August 2005 pp 1688-1693